Help us help those with Cystic Fibrosis. Here are just a few ways that you can step up in the fight to find a cure.
Pasteur Act
People with CF often need to be treated with antibiotics regularly from a young age to fight off infections in the thick, sticky mucus in their lungs, so they are at an elevated risk of their infections becoming more and more resistant to drugs over time. The PASTEUR Act is a proposed bill that supports investment in new treatments for antimicrobial resistant infections. You can support the PASTEUR Act by sending an email to your representatives using the template below! Find your members of Congress here.
You can save lives by becoming an organ donor today! In 2023, 23,286 donors led to 46,630 transplants. As a donor, you have the power to save up to 8 lives through organ donation and heal up to 75 people through tissue donation.
Donate Life America has resources to register and to learn more about organ donation.