My journey with cystic fibrosis has always been one defined by three words: living, breathing, and succeeding. From a young age, my parents told me that I could not fail; that if I focused and remained determined, I could accomplish anything. And it is that attitude that has gotten me to where I am today: a 56-year-old double lung transplant survivor, a marathoner, a pole-vaulter, a former VP of Joseph Abboud Sportswear, a CF Ambassador.
Jerry Cahill, creator of the You Cannot Fail program, is approaching the one-year anniversary of his life saving double lung transplant – an operation he never permitted to slow him down. In the past two years, Jerry, along with BEF, has launched the You Cannot Fail website, which offers a forum for people to shares their journeys, fears, attitude, inspiration, dreams, and celebrations, created a scholarship specifically for student-athletes who have cystic fibrosis, designed an apparel line, released an autobiographical coffee table book, and has even written a children’s book entitled, “Jerry, The Boy Who Could Not Fail.”
We encourage everyone to visit the You Cannot Fail site and to be inspired by the work of the courageous, dynamic, Jerry Cahill
Jerry, The Boy Who Could Not Fail tells the story of a young boy facing adversity. After being diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, Jerry adopts the saying “I cannot fail” – a saying his parents taught him – and uses it to persevere through difficult situations in his childhood. Jerry’s story teaches boys and girls to try new things, to never give up hope, to celebrate life every day, and to always believe that they cannot fail.
In You Cannot Fail: You Are the Hero of Your Own Story, Jerry describes a lifetime of challenges and triumphs through intensely honest personal reflections, thought-provoking quotations, and inspiring photographs. You Cannot Fail is Jerry’s personal mantra, and this memorable collection of essays illustrates how he heroically lives that mantra every day. You Cannot Fail empowers people to face their individual challenges with strength and grace and to remember that, no matter the outcome, ‘you cannot fail.’
BEF established the Jerry Cahill You Cannot Fail scholarship in 2012 to honor exceptional student-athletes with cystic fibrosis who, like Jerry, don’t let the disease get in their way of living lives filled with purpose, passion, optimism and courage. These energetic young adults also understand that exercise is the key to living, breathing and succeeding with CF, so they have embraced physical activity as part of their everyday routine.
Application Deadline: April 18, 2013