Jerry & Em’s 4th Annual CF Bike Adventure: Bike 2 Breathe International

Jerry & Em’s 4th Annual CF Bike Adventure: Bike 2 Breathe International


The 4th CF Bike Adventure continues through Canada…

Starting October 6… Jerry and Em will bike the following route:

  • Friday, October 6: Arrive in Buffalo, NY
  • Saturday, October 7: Buffalo, NY to Hamilton, Ontario
  • Sunday, October 8: Hamilton, Ontario to Toronto, Ontario
  • Monday, October 9: Toronto, Ontario to Codourg, Ontario
  • Tuesday, October 10: Prince Edward, Ontario to Gananoque, Ontario (**Vertex party)
  • Wednesday, October 11: Gananoque, Ontario to Prescott, Ontario
  • Thursday, October 12: Prescott, Ontario to Cornwall, Ontario
  • Friday, October 13: Cornwall, Ontario to Montreal, Quebec
  • Saturday, October 14: Wrap up & return home

The 4th CF Bike Adventure began in Europe:


An educational program to inspire the CF community “internationally” on the importance of being compliant through medication, therapies, nutrition, and exercise with CF, pre and post TX.

Date: October 6, 2017
Duration: 1 Day