Boomer responds to FOX’s Sheppard Smith on the news that 10 year old Sarah Murnaghan has received a lung transplant at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The Boomer Esiason Foundation sends Sarah and the Murnaghan family our thoughts and prayers.
Recently, Sarah Murnaghan (10) and Javier Acosta (11), both children battling cystic fibrosis, won federal lawsuits to be placed on the adult lung transplant list. The organ donation allocation system does not usually allow children under the age of 12 to be placed on the adult list, making it less likely that they will ever see a new pair of lungs.
Boomer sat down with Shephard Smith to discuss a very import topic, one that is very close to his heart – organ donation and transplantation. As a parent of a child living with cystic fibrosis, Boomer can relate to what the Murnaghan family is dealing with, and encourages everyone to become organ donors.
Please learn more about cystic fibrosis here.
Learn more about organ donation here.
Link to FOX News full video here.